Registration Fees

Subclasss Early Birds Birds On Time
AUD$ 795
AUD$ 850
AUD$ 450
AUD$ 550
Day rate for one day
AUD$ 400
AUD$ 450
Accompanying family member
AUD$ 300
AUD$ 350
Online Presentation via ZOOM
AUD$ 250
AUD$ 300
Conference Dinner
AUD$ 100
AUD$ 100

*International delegates and international students from countries with a per capita GDP of less than US$ 10,000 (World Bank, 2014) will receive a discount of $100 on the registration fee.

For registration, you need to complete the registration form (click here to download ), make payment and then include the proof of your payment details in the registration form. Then you need to send the completed registration form to A receipt of your payment will then be emailed to you.